How to remove moles from the face

How to remove moles from the face
 Mole on the face can look very attractive and add it to the possessor of charm. But often happens so that a mole on the face (especially large or numerous) are cause for feelings and possible get rid of them.
 First of all, it should be noted that in no case can not get rid of moles on their own, "home remedies" (burn, bandage, etc.). This may lead to severe and sometimes irreversible complications.

If you decide to remove moles on your face, be sure to consult a dermatologist-oncologist. Very often remove moles and beauty salons offer. Such offers better not disagree. Before proceeding to the removal of moles, the doctor is required to determine its type (there are several types) and its goodness. Then, depending on the diagnosis and the selected removal. Beauty salons such deep preliminary studies have been conducted. By the way, the doctor does not always give a recommendation to remove the birthmark. Sometimes such situations arise when you can not remove it at all.

If the doctor still decided that a mole can and should be removed, the methods of doing so can be used different. This can be a surgical method (excision), removal by laser, cryotherapy, electrocautery.

Moles on the face most often removed with a laser (if there is no any special contraindications). This method is the least traumatic - after surgery or no traces at all, or there is a small, inconspicuous white spot. Also on the site of the skin recovers faster removal. This method is bloodless - as a result of the laser occurs thrombosis of small vessels.

Electrocoagulation also used quite often. But getting rid of moles in this way may leave a small scar, which, of course, desirable on the face.

Excision of moles (surgical removal) is carried out mainly when this there are special reasons (for example, if a mole is penetrating deeply into the skin cells). If such an operation have to do on the face, the doctor reduces the area of ​​the excised tissue to a minimum.

After surgery, you should observe certain precautions. Crust remains in place moles, can not soak for 2 weeks. You may not apply to this place cream, lotion, cosmetics. After the disappearance of the crust, the surgical site should be protected from the bright sun (it is better to conduct such operations are not in the summer).

Tags: face mole