How to get rid of small pimples

How to get rid of small pimples
 Almost every modern woman dreams of a beautiful clear skin. But, unfortunately, many of the fair sex face the problem of small pimples that spoil the appearance and also show some of the more serious problems of the body. The causes of acne are many such - a violation of hygiene, bowel problems, hormonal disruptions.
 The first thing you need to do in order to get rid of acne - is to make a proper diet. In fact, small pimples on the face can be due to accumulation of toxins in the intestines. So eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables. Every day, drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water, because the water - a guarantee of a clean and radiant skin.

Wash your face no more than three times a day. When washing your face too often by an increased secretion of sebum, which clogs the pores and stimulates the formation of acne.

In the presence of small pimples on the face is forbidden to use abrasive scrubs. Yes, the face need deep cleaning, but scrubs in most cases cause irritation. To cleanse your face, use only the gel means.

Twice a week, lubricate the pimples clove oil. This tool does not guarantee you complete relief from acne, but they will be much less, and those that remain will be less noticeable.

At least once a week to do a mask of tea leaves. To do this, grab the sleeping tea brew and pour boiling water again. After the "tea" to cool down, take a clean gauze and soak it in tea leaves. Now, apply the tea leaves on the gauze, then put the cloth on your face. Mask to keep about 20 minutes, then you can rinse the face with clean warm water.

Regularly take steam baths. To do this, boil water, adding a small amount of baking soda. Hold the face over the steam 10-15 minutes. After this cleansing wash your face with cool water. It is also recommended to treat acne salicylic ointment.

Correctly pick up cosmetics. It is desirable that the gels and tonics to cleanse had a total tea tree oil, which stops the inflammatory processes and prevents the occurrence of acne.

Every morning, wipe your face with ice cubes - this is a great tonic. Ice prepare a decoction of chamomile - so the effect will be much better.

If cope with acne, you can not, be sure to consult a beautician or a dermatologist - they tell you how to get rid of acne.

Tags: pimple, small, pimple