How to get rid of antennae

How to get rid of antennae
 All the women on the upper lip hair grows, but the problem of so-called barbels are concerned is not for everyone. The fact that the owners of the thin and blond hair existence of a gun over his lips brings inconvenience, whereas burning brunettes notorious "whiskers" are becoming a real problem. What if you were among the last?
 Lighten the hair by means of hydrogen peroxide. Composition for the procedure can be prepared at home. Crush tablet gidroperita, add ½ tsp ammonia and the same amount of liquid soap. Stir the mixture, drip a small amount onto a cotton pad and spread a small area of ​​skin in the elbow. After 10 minutes in the absence of redness and burning, apply to the skin lightening composition of the upper lip. If difficulties occur immediately wash it, and under normal tolerance - soak for 2-3 minutes. After this time, rinse the bleached area with plenty of water. Apply to skin any soothing cream.

Purchase a cosmetic store means for bleaching the hair on the upper lip of industrial production. The principle of operation is similar to gidroperita, but they are less aggressive for the skin and less likely to cause allergic reactions. The only drawback of finished cosmetic products is the price, which is much higher than the cost of self-made tools.

Use depilatory creams. There are special creams designed to remove hair on the face, they are marked "for face". Before their application is necessary to test the sensitivity of the method described above. After depilation to prolong the effect of the procedure manufacturers recommend the use of funds, slow hair growth. In addition to their composition of substances detrimental affect on the hair follicles, includes the components, softening the skin after removal of the "antennae".

Remove the hair using conventional tweezers. To reduce the pain immediately before the procedure, wipe the skin above the upper lip ice cube. Do not tweeze hairs a week before menstruation, as at this time, the skin becomes more sensitive to pain.

Get rid of unwanted hair so-called Arab way, with the help of the thread. Cut 25-30 cm strong sewing thread. Tie the ends of the segment with each other. Pass the fingers of both hands in a loop. Rotate one of the hands, twist the strands together in the middle by 3-4 times. Gently bite down his upper lip and apply to the skin over her twisted yarns. Without removing the fingers of the loops, turns and plant them to place their joints moved, pulling the hairs. Changing the position of the hands, gradually remove all the hair.

To get rid of "antennae" for long term contact a beauty salon. Modern methods of hair removal allows you to forget about this problem for a few months, and subsequently did get rid of it.

Tags: face, hair removal, cirrus