How to choose the perfect hairstyle for face shape

How to choose the perfect hairstyle for face shape
 Often, trying to change the image and choose a new hairstyle, women can not decide on what exactly variant stop. In order to experiment with a new haircut was a success, you need to select it, given the shape of the face.

Face shape is a defining moment in the choice of hairstyles, because that will suit round face, absolutely contraindicated for extension. There are five main types of persons: square, triangular, round, oval and elongated. Determine what type of your face, very simple. For this zacheshite hair back, grab a marker and go to the mirror. Circle marker reflection of his face in the mirror. Now take a look at what the figure is more like circled outline.

If you are the owner of an oval face, you can assume that you are lucky enough. For this fit any hairstyle: Can hair cut extremely short, or, conversely, to increase the braid itself to the knees, and can be worn perfectly smooth hair and make curls - everything will look good.

For a round face more suitable medium length hair. If the haircut is stepped, it will look especially good. If you want to shave off the fringe, then choose a forward - straight - not your option. From curls too should be abandoned.

If you have soft features, and the person has a triangular shape, the ideal option would be in the form of fringe haircut and thick hair. If, however, a triangular shaped face has sharp features, it is best to stay on the geometrically precise forms haircuts.

Choose a hairstyle structural form, if you have a square face. Thus it is necessary to use light waves or strands of different lengths to achieve the desired effect. Discard the straight hair, straight bangs and parting - they will not decorate.

To visually reduce a few inches long face, definitely need a bang. For this type of person will approach a small haircut with asymmetrical lines. But from the high tail or long hair should be abandoned.

When choosing a hairstyle, consider and hair structure. So, for thin hair are not suitable long strands. It is better to opt for a structural haircut medium length. Too bad thicker hair to style - in this case it is better to choose a hairstyle with a tapering step to facilitate heavy strands.

Tags: face shape, hairstyle