As folk remedies to help remove bags under the eyes

As folk remedies to help remove bags under the eyes
 Bags under the eyes indicate that the skin begins to age. Muscles cease to be resilient under the eyes appear saccular formation, which may lead to the formation of fatty hernia. Folk remedies to help get rid of the swelling.
 To remove the bags, you must master the complex of certain exercises. Zazhmurte eyes, then open them wide - Repeat this exercise several times in a row, the interval - 30 seconds.

Keep your head up and your eyes try to mow down the left, count to 5, look straight ahead, then close your eyes for a few seconds. The same exercise again, squinting right. As quickly blinked, counting to 10, then close your eyes, trying not to grimace. Roll your eyes around, look alternately up and down. We perform each exercise several times.

Compresses with sage leaves help remove swelling under the eyes. Pour 30 g of sage leaves 100 g of boiling water, let it brew for a solution for about 30 minutes and strain it. Half the infusion cool and alternately apply cotton wool with cold and hot infusion to the eyes. Hold for about 10 minutes, then rub nourishing eye cream into the skin under the eyes.

Pour 30 g of crushed leaves of birch cup of boiling water. After the solution will stand for half an hour, strain it and apply cotton wool dipped it into a solution to the skin under the eyes. These lotions help to get rid of edema.

Cope with bags under the eyes will help grated potatoes. Put a little on the gauze, attach it to your eyes and hold a quarter of an hour. After removing the mask, apply under eye cream for eyelids. After 15 minutes, remove the remaining cream cotton swab dipped in cold tea.

Remove puffiness under the eyes, you can use special masks, used morning and evening. Mix a couple of teaspoons of grated raw potatoes with chopped parsley leaves, stir the mixture thoroughly. Wrapped it in gauze, put it under your eyes. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then rub into the skin fat cream.

If the appearance of bags under the eyes is not associated with diseases of internal organs, proper rest and sturdy deep sleep, and a moderate intake of fluids will help to cope with the swelling. In addition, adherence to a healthy lifestyle and a special care to avoid the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Tags: bag, the eye, the skin, means Care