Change your diet. Raw vegetables and fruits, have the property to maintain water balance in the body, should always be on your desk. Also, they are composed of cellulose, which, in addition to their basic nutritional qualities, is very skin tones. Completely switch to a raw food diet is not everyone can, but for such an important goal as losing weight, you have to eat vegetables or fruit dishes at least two - three times a day.
Eat more foods containing calcium. Its quite a lot in fish, cheese, cottage cheese, milk. Reduce salt intake. It only holds water, which undoubtedly affects the occurrence of edema. How can you eat less by-products, salted and smoked food, hot spices.
Drink water. It is water (or green tea), instead of coffee or soda. Organism should not accumulate excess liquid, because the fastest it will manifest it on the face. If possible, eliminate alcohol, especially spirits.
Make regular facials. Nourishing, moisturizing, relaxing, brand, or hand made - they saturate the skin, accelerate metabolism. They should be used as often as possible and to alternate periodically.
Do not rush to resort to surgical plastic. Lip augmentation or elimination of double chin, though very common operations, but carry some risk, like any other surgery.
If you do not have medical contraindications, visit the bath or sauna. Under the influence of steam and water pores are cleansed, the skin breathe.
Do regular facial massage and gymnastics.
Touch the chin dimples, which is located between the collarbones. Hands should be thus are closed at the back. Try to lift her head, holding her arms.
Support the chin with his fist. With the power drop your head, keeping it from his hand.
Draws in the cheeks, first one, then the other. Inflate them in turn.
When serried teeth pull the lower lip down
Utter sounds A, U, and, at the same time the maximum straining muscles and strong stretching lips.
Take a little exercise time, and the result is very effective. One diet and limit your diet is not enough. Physical exercise and water treatments are needed. Caring so much about the beauty of his face, and the whole body can be put in order and improve their health.