First you need to decide whether contraindications to this procedure. The list includes a variety of cuts on the skin, inflammation and other violation of the integrity of the skin. You also can not do peeling pregnant and lactating women. And experts do not recommend to carry out the procedure, if a person feels unwell. After all, the skin well and quickly recovered after all the manipulations, you need to have good immunity. In all other cases, the peeling is only in favor.
Instructions for the young. Do not get too carefully and use the tool to apply it to the skin with excessive zeal. For young skin is perfectly easy superficial peeling. After all, he also copes with the main task - cleaning the skin from the top layer of dead skin cells.
After peeling procedure may feel discomfort of the skin within a few days. In order to get rid of the discomfort, you should use moisturizers.
Need to conduct peeling in a well-defined order. First, on the forehead (horizontal), then the nose (vertical), then the cheek (semicircular including jaw line) after - peeling under the eyes (at a distance of less than 3 mm from the lower eyelid) follows after the peeling of the upper lip (by horizontally) and at the end - the chin.
The principle of the procedure is to apply funds from the conditional center of the face to the opposite side. The whole procedure should be carried out with soft circular motions to not further traumatize the skin.
During the peeling procedure can be used as factory tools created specifically for cleansing the skin and made yourself at home. For example, very useful and easy peeling can be coffee grounds. Impose it on the face, gently massaging it, and then wash off the grounds. This should be done in two phases - first with warm water, then cold.
The main thing - remember that after the procedure, skin cleansing is necessary either to make a mask or wipe the face lotion that will narrow pores and lubricate the face nutritional or moisturizer.