How to tighten sagging cheeks

How to tighten sagging cheeks
 Sagging cheeks - annoying cosmetic defect that can spoil the impression of even a very beautiful appearance. The skin loses its elasticity, excess body fat distorts the face and jawline. From this defect can be eliminated. Try different techniques - from gymnastics and wraps up with a professional massage and mesotherapy.
 If your cheeks are no different elasticity, review diet. Sudden weight fluctuations are harmful to your appearance - fleshy "Bryl" and dangling skin look the same unsympathetic. Include in the diet more vegetables and fiber, give up sugar and alcohol. Replace fatty meat fish, margarine - olive oil. Do not forget about multivitamins and trace elements - they positively affect the tone of the skin and metabolism.

Drink plenty of clean water. However, if you are prone to edema, excess fluid can be harmful. Avoid fizzy drinks, concentrated juices, coffee and beer. But you can be useful green tea and fresh juices, diluted with drinking water.

Choosing cosmetics, look at the pull-up serums and creams, improves skin elasticity. Use their courses - three weeks of daily application of funds should be alternated with a two-week vacation. Necessary preparations can be found in brands of different price segments. Cheap domestic cosmetics can also be very effective.

Excellent tones and strengthens the skin cold compresses. Type in snow or ice chips in a linen cloth and apply a compress with force to the person processing the contour of the cheeks and chin. After the procedure, a massage and apply to the skin firming cream. Owners of vessels are fragile compresses contraindicated.

Learn basic simple exercises, muscle pull cheeks. Pull his lips and rotate them, first one, then the other side. Dial the air in your mouth and move it from one cheek to the other, alternately inflating them. Open your mouth as wide as possible, slumped down jaw and facial muscles straining. Each exercise is repeated 8-10 times in the morning and evening.

Applying cream intensive pat cheeks and jawline back of the hand. Tingling skin with your fingertips to stimulate blood flow. Both hands to straighten force cheeks, leading palm t center of the chin to the temples. This massage is good to combine with applying the cream.

If home remedies do not exert undue influence, refer to the beautician. Surgical intervention is not necessary. For a start you can try mesotherapy, improves skin elasticity and stimulates the renewal of tissues. You can help vacuum massage, which is carried out in many beauty salons. Together with a specialist, make a personalized program to include professional treatments and home care. An integrated approach will help you cope with the problem.

Tags: skin, face, cheek, contour correction, tightening and strengthening