Guarantee the success of the complex will offer you the regularity of these exercises. If you take it a rule to allocate daily for 20 minutes on them, you will be able to maintain a perfect oval face. Some of these exercises can be done sitting in front of the TV or in the car, so there is no time to complain you do not have.
Lipped inflate and lower cheeks. Repeat 10-20 times. Type in the air in the mouth, and ride it in, moving the balloon in a circle - from one cheek through the lower lip in the second and forth through the upper lip. Do this exercise 1-20 times clockwise and counterclockwise. Abut tip of the tongue to the upper lip and also a circle massage them inside the cheeks and lips.
Touching the inside tongue of each tooth, slide the tip of the molars in the center and on to the root, at the upper and lower jaw. Tense muscles of the tongue and fixed on each tooth. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Pull the lips into a tube, silently say "u" sound, loosen the muscles of the lips, say the sound "o", repeat the exercise 30 times.
Pull out as much as possible the lower jaw forward, you should feel the muscles will strain the jaw and neck. Fix in this position, count slowly to five. Return to this state still 5-10 times.
The following exercise will help you not only improve the muscle tone of the cheeks, but also to reduce bags under the eyes, to strengthen the upper and lower eyelids. Open your mouth wide, lips forming the letter "o", lift up your eyes and blink very quickly. This exercise should be done within minutes several times a day.
Putting his hand on the lips, cheeks embrace fingers. Begin to stretch her lips into a smile and finger pressure on the cheek, not allowing them to rise. Relax your smile. Do this exercise 10 times and change the hand.
Open wide your mouth, lips, sunsets on the teeth, try to smile 10 times, lifting up the corners of the lips.