Vehicle color and character

Vehicle color and character
 Favorite color man can tell a lot about his character. Psychologists claim: to better understand a particular person, you need only look at what color she chooses. To study the suit and the car.
 Statistics says that the color of cars on the road has a big effect on traffic safety. Experts have even calculated what color cars collide more often than others. For example, a dark car involved in an accident in 62% of cases, neutral - 33%, and the remaining percentages fall to the share of light cars.

The color of the same machine can be determined and then a man sitting behind the wheel. For example, the black car owners often can be described as gloomy people, not particularly cheerful, depressed. And if the car - it's a huge SUV or limo and the driver himself dressed in a black formal suit, it further emphasizes its decadent mood.

The white color is considered one of the most neutral and safe in terms of traffic. Similar color machine is chosen by people unsure of themselves that they want to "get lost" on the road. After all, according to psychologists, is white - is that the least conspicuous.

Green cars on urban roads are not uncommon. And it says that on the road a lot of drivers who do not like other people's influence even on the road. This means that they are more likely to try to assert themselves, why behave very unpredictably. Owners of cars with this shade of green as green, can be characterized as very unbalanced person. They are more likely to "undercut" on the roads, lihachat and behave very boldly.

Gray car is akin to white - it is selected or "gray mouse" or "gray cardinal". In general, gray - for those who prefer to hide and be recognized. Sometimes the gray car is preferred by those people who are cowardly, impulsive and careless. However, in this case it is considered that the driver, choose the car of gray, he very much likes this shade.

Red car symbolizes that its owner willed man, strong and purposeful. Of the negative qualities of his present such as authoritativeness and irascibility.

Car owners yellow characterized as the most kind and intelligent people. They are sociable, curious, brave and curious. Psychologists claim that such people are well adapted to life circumstances, including the proposed road.

No less popular with drivers and blue cars. After all, it is preferred by those who are different purity of spirit, religiousness. Drivers of vehicles blue very melancholic, subject to fatigue.

If the car owner to change cars of different colors often enough, it indicates that in his soul reigns confusion, it can not be defined in any of the areas of your life.

Tags: color, character, driver, owner, harkter