Kitchen accessories with their hands

Kitchen accessories with their hands
 Kitchen - is the soul of the house, the same family hearth around which is so fond of the whole family. It's nice when there are things made with your own hands, it adds extra warmth and comfort of the place of lunch and dinner.

You can do many accessories la cuisine yourself. For example, if you know how to sew, make a beautiful tablecloth and napkins. Sew set for daily use, and another - for special occasions. Everyday fit kit with bright floral or fruit pattern. An interesting solution will be drawing on the gastronomic theme - with the image pans, pots, ladles or jars of spices.

Try to keep the curtains in the kitchen combined with a tablecloth or had similar elements in the decoration. This will give the appearance of your kitchen completeness. For special occasions, you can make a luxurious linen package. If you can sew, you can make a graceful pattern.

In addition to tablecloths and napkins, towels and sew their own, and an apron and pot holders - all in one style or several - to change and diversity. It is best to choose a fabric bright colors, just make sure that all the items came to the interior of the kitchen, did not make it dissonance.

If you have a kitchen with warm colors or in a rustic style, the fit potholders and towels with folk motifs. If you have a stylish, modern interior, it is best to make potholders and accessories to match. You can also use contrasting colors or geometric abstract pattern.

In addition to accessories of textile, you can decorate your kitchen and otherwise. For this shall describe white plates and cup, which later can drink tea for breakfast. You can even do such original things as a family, and each write out his cup as he wants. This painted dishes and also can decorate the walls of your kitchen. To do this with a special glue to attach the metal hooks to hang them and saucers on the wall.

Make original lamp shades and lighting fixtures for the kitchen, for example, the shade of wicker baskets, or classic - fabric with fringe. Lamps for kitchen perform, using instead the ceiling, bottle green or red glass. It will have to tinker, but you can always arrange a modern lighting when you want to drink tea cozy.

Whatever you do, your efforts will not go unnoticed, and the kitchen will be the most favorite place in your family.

Tags: kitchen, hand, design, pot holders, lampshades, accessory