In 1873, digging up layer by layer, he dug up the remains of ancient walls. There was found a huge silver vessel, which contained 10,000 different items. Their discovery Schliemann called "Priam's Treasure." It later emerged that these treasures for a thousand years older than the Trojan events, but nevertheless it was the most sensational archaeological find of the XIX century, and amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann went down in history as one of the most successful treasure hunters.
In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon were looking for a little-known tomb of the Egyptian king. About a young pharaoh, little was known: born, lived and died young, no significant events during the reign of Tutankhamun did not happen, he did not leave an imprint on the history of his great country. But he became the most famous Egyptian pharaoh because his tomb was not only looted imperial tomb. And Howard Carter, who discovered her, went down in history as the man who found a rich treasure of all time.
One of the most mysterious, sensational and unrecognized by most scientists finds a "stone library" Dr. Javier Cabrera. Ica stones - it was not a local treasure, and rigorous collection of ancient relics, "inconvenient" for official science artifacts. The first stones professor received a gift, and then began his fascination which grew later in his life's work. On the black stone with the help of various techniques applied various patterns, the most interesting and sensational of which contain scenes of ancient operations, hunting for dinosaurs and map "antediluvian" world, which shows already lost continent.
From 1947 to 1956 found a real treasure - The Dead Sea Scrolls. Another name for this finding "Dead Sea Scrolls". These ancient manuscripts date from the III century BC They contain a lot of records of biblical events. But until 1947, the oldest biblical manuscript dated 895 AD, and the Dead Sea Scrolls for a thousand years older. Some texts are contrary to the canonical edition of the Bible, which caused protests from some religious leaders, who were quick to declare the falsification of the manuscript. Now their authenticity is not in doubt.