How to prepare for release

How to prepare for release
 Start preparing for the holiday are kindly requested to holiday was not spoiled by the need to deal with the huge number of cases. Try to make the holiday began with the first day of vacation and plan it as closely as possible.
 That during the holidays you do not have to consult colleagues on various business issues and the more personally come to the office, try to finish all major projects, transfer documentation, details of working moments to those who will have to be replaced. You can even leave instructions on the safe side. Otherwise, it is likely that the rest will turn into a job with a flexible schedule. It makes sense to inform colleagues and superiors that you somewhere to go and will not be available.

Plan your vacation in advance, and then think about what you need to do to have difficulties with the implementation of all plans. For example, if you intend to go to another city or country, buy tickets, book a tour, prepare documents, and so forth. If you start doing all this only at the beginning of vacation, your vacation can be reduced greatly. By the way, it is advisable to buy travel bags and other necessary things: swimsuit, camera and so on.

If you are leaving, and the apartment is empty, try to find someone who will look after her, especially if you are very afraid of looting, fires, leaks and so on. If you have a lot of indoor plants or a cat, dog or other pet, necessarily agree with someone from the family to take care of them. In a pinch, you can find a hotel for animals and leave your pet there. But, anyway, while on vacation, you do not have to worry about the apartment, nor the flowers, nor about pets.

Before you leave, try not exhausting at work, otherwise you have to spend a few days only to have to get yourself and how to sleep. If you take for preparing a month before the beginning of the holiday, you will certainly all have time, and solve a huge number of business issues in the last few days is not necessary. Give myself up: visit the beauty salon, change the image, update the wardrobe. This will improve your mood, and fast holidays seem even more desirable and enjoyable.

Tags: vacation, training