That taken by pregnant at

That taken by pregnant at
 Pregnancy - one of the finest periods in a woman's life. But a rare pregnancy proceeds smoothly. Sometimes during pregnancy a woman may have a fever. In this case, it is important to determine the cause and to choose increasing preparations which can be used pregnant.

Considered a normal increase in body temperature during the first trimester of pregnancy. This reaction may be your body's pregnancy, such as morning sickness. Do not worry if the temperature does not exceed 37 degrees and is not accompanied by other symptoms of the common cold: runny nose, cough, headache.

If still you are sick, it is better to take an antipyretic. Most are safe for pregnant preparations based on paracetamol. Popular nowadays aspirin is absolutely contraindicated. It can cause changes in blood clotting, and thus contribute to the appearance of bleeding. This should be considered especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, so as not to cause premature birth.

During pregnancy, the best methods of reducing the temperature - folk. Proven remedy is cranberry or cranberry juice. Better if it will not be ready industrial product, and home brew. You can take it in unlimited quantities. He has antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic.

To reduce the temperature pregnant may also drink a decoction of rose hips. Due to the large dose of vitamin C, it also has a tonic effect. To prepare the drink need 1 tablespoon of rosehip pour two cups of water, boil for 10 minutes, and insist in a thermos for 10-12 hours.
At high temperatures can also be used rubdown. To do this, dissolve in 1 liter of water table spoon or apple cider vinegar. Wipe the chest first, then the back, arms and legs. Repeat procedure should be every 2-3 hours.

Whatever the reason for the increase in temperature, you should consult your doctor as your body temperature affects the health of the unborn baby. With increasing temperature, a long time of over 38 degrees in a child may have a pathology of the central nervous system. In addition, the temperature increases your body temperature increases the body baby, as well as the temperature of the amniotic fluid. This can lead to tissue damage and fetal membranes.

Tags: temperature, medium, pregnancy, pregnant, drug