Swelling during pregnancy

Swelling during pregnancy
 During pregnancy, a woman's body there are various changes, and some of them are afraid of future mothers. One of these manifestations - swelling during pregnancy. And if edema syndrome in women who are not waiting for a child - it's a symptom of a disease, it can be considered edema during pregnancy is also an indicator of a disease? Does any pregnancy is associated with swelling? This is the norm or pathology? These and other questions will be answered women's magazine JustLady.

To begin with, will investigate what types of edema occur. The first - a physiological edema, which are familiar to almost all pregnant women. There are suchswelling during pregnancy due to physical overload, poor nutrition, stress, hot weather. For example, the expectant mother has eaten too many salty foods, and it caused a swelling of the feet. But there is nothing wrong with this situation, no, because these swellings are not dangerous to the health of mother and baby. At rest, such manifestations disappear by themselves. Another question - abnormal swelling that signal the presence of any disease.

Swelling during pregnancy

If you want to determine if you have any swelling, remember, did not you like the small shoes that you do not ever pinch, but also check how much increases your weight in a week. Normally, during pregnancy a woman should add 8 to 12 kg. Starting from 20 weeks, weight gain should be 350 g per week. This is the norm, and if your weight exceeds these figures, you will need to see a doctor. Of course, if the swelling can be seen even with the naked eye, and then you notice them yourself. But the difficulty is that there are often hiddenswelling during pregnancy, In other words - fluid retention in the body. Thicket just swelling in pregnant women without renal or cardiovascular disease, manifested in the second half of pregnancy.

Usually first appearswelling of feet during pregnancyCan then begin to swell your hands, face, abdomen. Naturally, the woman because of this very upset. Most swollen feet during the day, when a woman walks, and all the liquid is lowered and begins to accumulate in the legs, feet and ankles. Swelling of the skin is pale, smooth and hard, while pressing on it appears fossa. Ifswelling of feet during pregnancy appearing in the first half, it may be a sign of a disease. But in the second half of pregnancy are considered a sign of preeclampsia swelling - a very common occurrence these days. Preeclampsia may be in violation of the adaptation of the female body for pregnancy.

Swelling during pregnancy

Swelling in pregnancy: what to do

A few tips for those who are concerned aboutswelling in pregnancy: what to do in this situation, how to reduce swelling than they should eat. The first magazine JustLady advises expectant mothers carefully monitor their diet. Best fed 5-6 times a day, should be small portions to overeat. Nutrition of pregnant women should be balanced, healthy and varied. Eat more vegetables, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish. Enter in your diet raisins and dried apricots - they contain calcium, potassium and magnesium. It is desirable to have boiled foods or steamed. Try not to eat smoked, spicy and pickled foods, and, of course, fast food. Remember that salt promotes water retention in the body, so be careful how much salt you consume: it is desirable to have salted insufficiently dishes. During the day, a foot massage do not wear tight shoes and clothes. Do not sit in one position for a long time. Ask your doctor what kind of exercises you can perform, and do it daily. Before going to bed, it is desirable for some fresh air. Very helpful and generally a nice swim in the pool. Women's magazine JustLady recommends that you perform these simple rules, and then the swelling will bother you less. 

Swelling during pregnancy

How to remove the swelling in pregnancy

Now a few words abouthow to remove the swelling in pregnancy. Typically, doctors prescribe herbal teas. Glass infusion drink during the day for three - four stages, the rate - three - four weeks. However, to apply such diuretics only after consulting your doctor. Without his advice such infusions can not be used because it may aggravate the situation. The appearance of edema woman should remember: do not self-medicate, because pregnancy requires not only careful attention, but the ultra-cautious. Therefore, if you do not knowhow to remove the swelling in pregnancyFirst, contact your doctor. Often pregnant women recommend herbal diuretics. For example, the juice of mountain ash: juice of 1 kg ripe rowan cook with 600 g of sugar. You can make a collection of bearberry leaf (3 hours), color cornflower (1 h), licorice root. 1 tbsp a mixture of sugar and 1 cup of boiling water for about half an hour, drain. Take a collection of 3-4 times a day for 1 tablespoon Good help lime tea - brew linden flowers, drinking tea 3-4 times a day for half a glass.

Pamper your feet with herbal baths or sea salt, or simply soak them in cold water. Then make a light massage, starting to rub the foot and climbing higher. Let your feet relax: lie down on the couch and put his feet on the 10-15 cm above the body, or just put them under the pillow.

Women's magazine JustLady hopes that these tips will help you, if not avoided, or at least just to reduce swelling.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy diet