Signs and evaluation of ovulation

Signs and evaluation of ovulation
 Ovulation (ovum from Latin - egg) - a certain stage of the menstrual cycle, which ripened egg is released from the ovarian follicle. Ovulation in women occurs every 21-35 days, changing its rhythm for life after an abortion, childbirth, premenopausal. Termination of the ovulation process happens during pregnancy and after the extinction of the menstrual function. In this article, a women's magazine JustLady talk about the signs of ovulation and how to determine its offensive.

Ovulation typically occurs 12-16 days before menstruation, irrespective of the length of your cycle. If the cycle is equal to 28-days - ovulation falls exactly mid if the loop more or less changed, the first phase (the period before ovulation).How long is ovulation? Such an approach somewhat incorrect, as this process is a single release of an egg from the follicle, and it can happen at any time during the day.Determination of ovulation it may be necessary for several reasons:

- Firstly, the very ovulation 3-4 days (as live sperm) to it, and one day after (as lives ripened egg) - is a favorable time for conception: sexual relations during this period provide the most guaranteed interest pregnancy. And, if a woman fails to conceive despite the presence of ovulation, so it is necessary to conduct a serious examination to determine the cause of infertility. Some pairs, conversely, watchingSigns of Ovulation with completely opposing goals - to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Although, in terms of contraception is not the most reliable way: ovulation can move or happen twice in one cycle.

- Secondly,determining ovulation importantly, if the husband has a problem with spermogrammoj (stiffness or lack of sperm number). Then it is desirable that intimacy occurred no more than 2 days prior to ovulation and for three days before between spouses should not have sexual relations - sperm concentration increase and some of them will "gets" the egg.

Some couples watchingSigns of OvulationTo plan the sex of the child. It is believed that the male Y-sperm more mobile, but less tenacious, and the female X-sperm - on the contrary. If intercourse happens for three or four days before ovulation, Y-chromosome sperm simply do not live to oocyte maturation, therefore, the pair of female fetuses. However, this method does not give 100% guarantees (as well as the others). But, in any case, the determination of ovulation is important - its presence indicates that the menstrual cycle in women's all right.

The main signs of ovulation

1. Changes in basal (rectal) temperature. Measurements must be every day at the same time without getting up from the bed (after 3-6 hours of sleep). Normally, before menstruation temperature rises by 0.5 degrees - this is a natural reaction to an increase in blood progesterone. Day in which it occurs decrease (by 0.4-0.6 degrees) - and there is the day of ovulation. In the measurement of rectal temperature in mind that it may affect a variety of factors: inflammatory and infectious diseases, hormonal agents, alcohol, etc. If the temperature rise after ovulation persists for more than 2 weeks, and no menstrual period - which means you are pregnant.

2. Changes in the nature of vaginal discharge. Another sign of ovulation are copious, similar in color and consistency of egg white. Sometimes these secretions may be streaked with bloody - on this subject do not worry, this is a valid phenomenon. After ovulation, the release intravaginal secret contract and become more dense.

3. Change the position of the cervix - another characteristic feature of ovulation. At ovulation the cervix will rise, it becomes softer to the touch, it is the external opening of a lumen. After the release of an egg from the follicle the cervix is ​​gradually lowered and locked.

Maybedetermining ovulation by circumstantial evidence: pulling or tingling pain in the abdomen, increased libido - which is not surprising against the background of high levels of female sex hormones in the blood. Also, determine ovulation allows general surveillance menstrual cycle. Regular cycle accompanied premenstrual syndrome (weight gain, breast tenderness, and so on.) Shows generally the presence of ovulation.

Todetermining ovulation in the home, you can use the test strips and special microscopes. Test strips work similarly to a pregnancy test: two strips (even if one of them pale) show a positive result. Determination of the microscope is based on the chemical composition of saliva before ovulation. Saliva is applied to a piece of glass and viewed through a microscope - its specific pattern (circuit attached to the microscope) indicates approaching ovulation. For a more objective method of determining ovulation include ultrasound, to assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the uterus and see the change in the follicle, and, also, laboratory analysis, to determine the concentration of progesterone in the blood.

Svetlana Krutova

Tags: pregnancy, Ambassador, abortion, belly, ovulation period, betrayal, definition, symptoms, isolation, sign egg