How to choose a bed for babies

How to choose a bed for babies
 Before each pair of expecting addition to the family, necessarily raises the question: how to prepare a dowry for the newborn, what to look for in the first place? Trouble at mums and dads before the birth of the child added, have a lot to catch that after returning from the hospital did not run to the shops in a panic, buying everything that comes their way. How to raise a dowry for the newborn diapers and how to prepare raspashonok - this women's magazine JustLady already told. In this article, we have a detailed look at how to choose a crib for a newborn, a linen and mattress is best suited for the crumbs.

The first thing parents need to decide - in what place will be set cot, depends on its size and design. If room allows, it is better to buy a crib-transformer, which can be "increase" as the child grows.Cribs for babies category "transformer"Have a larger size (1.4m to 0.7 m) and retractable side wall - it allows the child to sleep on it until adolescence. Color may vary crib - modern manufacturers try to make their range broad enough. If you want to fit into the bed situation - choose tone appropriate to the rest of the furniture, wish to highlight the children's area - to beat the boundaries of children's cots unusual color space and the original table for swaddling.

Cribs for babies - wood or metal

The material used in the manufacture of baby cots, may be different. Some parents prefer wood as the cleanest from the ecological point of view raw materials. Other - metal cots, more, in their view, strong and reliable. Each type of material has its advantages, the most important thing to all of the products offered in the store, had a certificate of conformity GOST. If the quality of the bed you have something embarrassing, be sure to ask the seller to show documents proving its safety in terms of the materials used.

Cribs for babies pine cheapest - the softness of the type of wood slightly reduces the operational characteristics of the furniture. On the pine crib will be captured all the "story" of the child growing up - scratches, teeth marks and bumps toys. More robust to a "trial by heart" is considered furniture made of birch and most enduring (and expensive!) Is a furniture beech. On some models, there are special pads made of latex - they protect the surface from mechanical damage and allow the crib to keep long "trademark" look. Many manufacturers have learned to make furniture made of artificial materials, perfectly imitating natural wood - with the purchase, please specify which of the bed is made.

With regard tocots for babies Metal - they have good performance characteristics and are cheaper than wood. In addition, the metal crib perfectly washed and cleaned of any kind of pollution, and this is an important feature for children's furniture. The only problem - any new bed has a characteristic "factory" smell, so it must buy in advance to have time to ventilate the room before returning to mother and baby from the hospital.

How to choose a bed for babies

Cribs for babies - important details

The crib should be not only beautiful, but also safe for the crumbs. When purchasing be sure to check tightness rails, rungs and a side, their smoothness and lack of burrs. No sharp angles and too small decorative items! The optimum distance between the bars - no more than 9 cm.

All beds are equipped with modern folding or lower rim that allows you to secure the child to keep him from falling. As they grow older kid ledge can be lowered all below, giving the younger fidget opportunity to climb out of the crib, and then, and did remove the fence. Installation level mattress in many models as well regulated: two to three months grudnichki lie quietly and mom do not need to stoop too low to lull baby.

Very useful if you design a cot includes an option for "motion sickness". Pendulum mechanism is longitudinal and transverse choosing model, always keep in mind that the stock for rocking should be at least 7-10 cm from each side. Pendulum beds, usually with special clamps are available, which, if necessary, block their mobility.

Well, ifcrib for a newborn equipped with a drawer for storage - everything you need is at your fingertips, and you do not have to look for a special place to store diapers and diapers.

Which mattress is better for babies

An important consideration when buying a crib mattress is the choice and bed linen. Buying a mattress, be sure to check that it matches the size of a crib was made of hypoallergenic material.

The mattress in a crib for a newborn should be dense and moderately hard - to maintain the fledgling children's spine. Perfectly suited for this purpose with spring mattresses, latex and coconut fillings.

With regard tolinen in a crib for a newborn - Try to trim kits made from natural fabrics: cotton, flannel, flannel. Two sets will be enough. When buying blankets and pillows give preference to products with polyester or polyester fillers - they are smaller and easier to collect dust cleared.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: size, forum, mattress, bed, newborn, skirting