False contractions

False contractions
 This, in general, harmless and completely natural phenomenon that often cause panic among expectant mothers, first described by the English physician John Braxton Hicks in the late 19th century. Therefore, it has been called "Braxton Hicks". As you probably already guessed, today we will focus on the false contractions. What is it and how to distinguish false labor from real detail tackles women's magazine JustLady.

Doctors say thatfalse contractions occur almost from the very beginning of pregnancy, another thing is that they are so weak that the expectant mother simply did not notice. Starting from the 20th week, a number of women feel they are quite clearly and regularly, which makes them worry and discomfort.

After the 37th week of pregnancy Braxton Hicks contractions, especially if it is their first manifestation, can plunge poor mom was horrified and make haste to go to the hospital, regardless of the weather and time of day.

What kind of attack such false labor?

Do not attack, doctors say, and the natural and even useful process. Thus the uterus prepares to leave. She seemed to be trained using the muscle contractions.
In this case, the disclosure of the cervix does not occur, so they can not be considered the beginning of the birth.

However, at a later date, usually after 38 weeks of the cervix can really open up to one centimeter. This is within the normal range, soothe physicians,false contractions will not lead to premature birth, and just prepare you for it.

At the early stages of this training, as we have said, is not felt at all. Toward the middle of the false contractions become more pronounced, but still almost painless. And only in the last weeks of pregnancy they can get on your nerves as it becomes stronger and can last more.

Some women do not know anything about these fights and they never experienced. This is normal, experts say, not every woman should feel false contractions.
And another important point: if not, it does not mean that the body is not getting ready to leave. Preparing, just the process you, fortunately, does not annoy.

To less worry, it is logical to find out how to distinguish false labor from the real and whether it is possible then to reduce their appearance.

How to distinguish real from false labor?

Doctors say that distinguish false labor from real snap. The fact that labor contractions are two main parameters: morbidity and regularity. That is, fights occur after a certain period of time, and this gap is gradually decreasing. As more frequent contractions intensified pain.

False contractionsFirstly, usually painless (it all depends on individual sensitivity to pain women).
Secondly, they are irregular. That is, the interval between contractions are not reduced, then it may be longer, shorter, not yielding a clear rhythm.
And often they do happen every 4-5 hours.

Another indication that the false contractions may serve as a source of unpleasant (or painful) experiences. When false contractions mainly pain is felt in the lower abdomen (as painful menstruation). If the real fight, you feel nagging pain in his lower back.

That's all there is, which can be useddistinguish false labor from trueThe main thing - do not panic.
You can also take some action to stop an attack of "training".

False labor: what to do

For example, many women are regularly subjected to "attack" false labor, notice that they occur more frequently after exercise or at the end of the day, when the expectant mother has remade a lot of cases, and just tired.

In such cases, doctors are advised to relax, it is best to even lie down. Moreover, it is recommended to lie on your left side.
You can also take a warm bath (not hot!), If not prohibit a doctor.
Sometimes it helps if you just drink a glass of water.
If recumbency and rest do not change the situation, you may need to take a stroll.
Only it should be a pleasant stroll unhurried pace and not "at the same time run through the shops."

False labor or early labor?

In late pregnancyfalse contractions are stronger and can last for several hours. It is clear that in such cases the woman can get confused and scared that he could notdistinguish false labor from true. And the truth is, all of a sudden, their background will miss the start of labor?

But those women who are already mothers, say that the beginning of these struggles can not be confused with anything.

Doctors recommend pay attention if the fight became more painful, occur regularly, and the interval between them is constantly decreasing.
If you are, there are more than 4 contractions per hour.
Also, the signal is the appearance of water or bleeding and / or characteristic pulling pain in the lower back.

If there is no danger signs, butfalse contractions pestering you all the time, better go to the doctor and make sure that the uterus has not begun to unfold. This is, in fact, the exact proof that the fight is not really true.

In the end, if you are very worried and not sure you can distinguish false labor from true, call the doctor or go to the reception. It is better you learn that was a false alarm, what will survive in this challenging period.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, watches, fight, feeling