What is a false pregnancy

What is a false pregnancy
 False or imaginary, pregnancy - a condition in which a woman feels all the signs of pregnancy in its present physiological absence. Currently, the diagnosis graviditas spuria put quite rare. It is the merit of the development of medicine and the most modern methods of diagnosis.
 False pregnancy - a pathological condition that is associated with the firm conviction woman that she is pregnant. Emotional or psychological disorder leads to the fact that the woman is not only with confidence announces her pregnancy, but feels all of its features. In the morning there is nausea and vomiting, menstruation stops growing belly, changing eating behavior.

Scientists around the world still can not give a precise explanation of the imaginary pregnancy. But most experts unanimously agree that the cause of the pathological condition of women are hormonal, psychological and emotional disorders.

As a result of auto-suggestion woman longed to become pregnant, or, on the contrary, experiencing pathological fear of pregnancy clearly begins to feel all the signs of pregnancy.

Most often, the symptoms of false pregnancy experienced by women with unstable mentality subject astenopodobnym or hysterical reactions are prone to increased excitability, suggestible.

Gynecological and endocrine disorders cause functional disorders of the central nervous system. This leads to the development of the endocrine and autonomic symptoms experienced by a woman during the current pregnancy.

At risk are women aged 35 to 45 years, who throughout life were treated for infertility, but have not been able to get pregnant. Also at risk include women with mental disorders and women who have lost a child due to miscarriage or abortion.

Diagnosis imaginary pregnancy begins with the patient. In this case, the gynecologist said that there is cyanosis and softening of the cervix. In addition, the uterus is enlarged and soft.

However, during the test for human chorionic gonadotropin produced by the placenta during pregnancy present, the results are negative. In some cases, conduct additional research: immunological, biological, ultrasound, plain radiography of the abdomen. This is necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of missed abortion.

For the treatment of false pregnancy pharmaceuticals used to relieve stress, anxiety, mental stress. Also, long-term treatment is prescribed by a psychiatrist and a full examination by an endocrinologist.

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