The very effect of birth control will work as long as the woman is taking these drugs. Ability to normal fertilization, implantation of the egg and carrying a child returns to normal levels after 1-2 months after the end of their reception.
One of the prerequisites for receiving a reliable contraceptive hormonal preparation should be their purpose gynecologist after inspection and ascertain the health of women. So far, there are limitations when using these hormonal drugs for some diseases of the blood (increased tendency to thrombosis) or bad habits women (smoking). Only a doctor can assess the interaction between hormonal contraceptives and other drugs, which she accepts.
Following the appointment of hormonal contraceptives prerequisite becomes regularity of their reception. A woman should start taking birth control pills in the first 5 days of regular bleeding. But now it is believed that the best time to start taking the drug should become one day of menstruation. Then, within 21 days woman should take one tablet regularly preparation and it is desirable to make the same time. After that, within 7 days of the tablet will not be accepted at all (if the package 21 tablets) or take pills without hormones (so convenient for many women).
If the reception of the next randomly tablets was omitted in the case of receiving desired tablet within 12 hours no decrease contraceptive effect does not occur, and the next tablet should be taken at the same time as the above. In the event that the required hours after receiving more than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect of the drug is reduced and reliable contraception pills should be taken according to the schedule until the end (otherwise 2-3 days come bleeding, similar to menstruation), but it all time should be protected by other methods of contraception.
These recommendations may be advised in the event that a woman who for contraception use hormonal contraceptives pills during a pack has at least single vomiting or diarrhea (caused by various reasons) or for the treatment of various diseases prescribed any drugs means. This recommendation can be explained by the fact that when vomiting and diarrhea is not possible to say exactly what kind of amount of the drug had time to be absorbed into the body, and many drugs significantly affect the rate of biochemical reactions in the liver, accelerating the decay of hormones.
Only by adhering to these rules, which are sure to remind the appointment gynecologist contraceptive can guarantee reliable protection from unwanted pregnancy.