If an ectopic pregnancy does not detect in a timely manner, then around the middle of the first trimester of the body in which the fertilized egg hit, torn, causing severe pain and heavy bleeding, which threatens not only health, but also a woman's life.
To avoid the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy should be every six months a pelvic exam. Physician during the examination can detect, for example, suddenly appeared the inflammatory process, which is also the cause of the disease.
When planning a family both partners need to be screened for infections of the genitourinary system. If they are identified, should be treated at the same time, as there can be re-infection, which may affect the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy and other complications.
One of the causes of ectopic pregnancy is abortion before, so it's worth to take effective contraception and avoid unwanted pregnancies. Contraceptive options now huge, help choose the right doctor. If, however, came the need for abortion, it is better to use for this most gentle way, one of them is a vacuum abortion. Procedure should take place in a specialized clinic to have confidence in the competence of doctors. Very few contraindications have minimally invasive surgery abortion, they also almost never lead to complications, and in the early stages, doctors recommend using only medication methods.
After an interruption of ectopic pregnancy body needs restoration to preserve fertility. Thus it is necessary to observe all instructions of the doctor. Next pregnancy can be planned at least a year after an ectopic pregnancy, as the system of reproduction should normalize its functions.