What to do after a miscarriage

What to do after a miscarriage
 The loss of the unborn child - a stroke of fate. Grief and pain of loss is always great no matter on what week of pregnancy had a miscarriage. For many women, it is a great shock. They ask why it happened, what to do and how to live?
 In medicine miscarriage is called spontaneous abortion. This process sometimes takes place regardless of the desires of the woman and without any intervention. After the misfortune (especially if the baby was a long-awaited) woman depressed, starts blaming yourself and look in your behavior that could cause a loss of a child, for example, exercise, having sex, etc. But usually it is not the primary cause. Factors of spontaneous abortion in nature are different, and they are not always able to establish. But among them are the main ones: for example, fetal chromosomal abnormalities, infectious diseases, mother, hormonal disorders, tumors of the uterus and ovaries, and others.

Immediately after abortion doctors recommend to try to establish the cause of spontaneous abortion and eliminate it. Need to be screened for infectious diseases of the genital organs tested for hormones, a study of the immune status, blood clotting, genetic studies, etc. Moreover, both partners should be tested. Pre-need to ask your doctor whether capable assigned to treatment drugs affect the fetus, if at the time of their admission pregnancy. It should also ask the doctor when it will be possible after treatment plan conception.

Some doctors advise to wait a few months before trying to conceive again. After all, a psychological condition must also bounce back. Immediately after a miscarriage dominated shock and reluctance to acknowledge what happened. Then comes the stage of longing for a lost child. And then comes the realization of loss. A woman should learn to deal with fear and doubts whether she can in the future to become pregnant and have a baby. In such a situation it is very important to support loved ones, especially her husband.

Once the couple will be able to overcome the psychological barrier of what happened, joy and self-confidence to come back into their lives. According to statistics 90% of women who have experienced miscarriage, can then again pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby

Tags: pregnancy, Ambassador, abortion, the reason