Aimed at analyzing every pregnant woman gets right at the first prenatal visit. Gynecologist prescribes the so-called "final clearance" and gives direction to the numerous studies that you will have to pass before to register. Do not panic in advance, tune positively - walking on our polyclinics procedure is not the most pleasant, but it has its advantages: you can be sure that your body is healthy and ready for nurturing the baby. Check in advance the reception, plan their visits so that the minimum number of visits to pass as many doctors.
As a rule, pregnant directed to the following experts: endocrinologist, physician, surgeon, dentist, optometrist and Laura. The list of mandatorytests during pregnancy comprises:
• Complete blood count, blood sugar;
• Biochemical analysis of blood;
• A blood test for HIV and hepatitis;
• A blood test for antibodies to TORCH-infections (toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes and others.);
• A blood test to determine the Rh factor and groups;
• The smear from the vagina;
• Urinalysis.
Analysis of blood during pregnancy
Complete blood count determines whether the body mothers inflammation, infection, and allergic reactions. Biochemical analysis shows the status of the internal organs: heart, liver, kidney, pancreas and urinary system, identifies functional disorders. Analysis on TORCH-infections helps in time to find the latent form of the disease, which apparently can not be shown, but a negative impact on prenatal development of the baby. On the importance of testing for the presence of HIV or hepatitis can not speak, everyone understands the importance of these surveys. If the analysis reveals that her mother Rh negative, she will have to pass one additional analysis for the presence of Rh antibodies to protect yourself and your baby from rhesus conflict.
Repeatedblood during pregnancy assigned:
- 11-14 weeks: prenatal screening - double test (allows to detect the risk of fetal abnormalities);
- 16-20 weeks: prenatal screening - triple test (detects chromosomal abnormalities); tested for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, complete blood count, blood chemistry;
- 30 weeks: coagulation (blood clotting analysis); tested for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, complete blood count, blood chemistry;
- 35-36 weeks, and biochemical analysis of blood, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis (the latter, prenatal delivery
testing during pregnancy).
Analysis of urine during pregnancy
The most "popular"Analysis of pregnancyImmediately showing the state of women's health. Changes in color and chemical composition of the urine indicate failure in the functioning of the body, indicate the existence of serious abnormalities or diseases that may pose a threat to the future baby. Ideally - urine should be light yellow, transparent,. Cloudy, dark urine indicates the presence of salts, red blood cells, white blood cells or pus. And this is the first sign of infection or chronic kidney disease. Chemical laboratory study defines a more detailed composition of urine. It should not be present: glucose, protein, erythrocytes. So the doctor draws attention to the level of acidity (Ph) and white blood cell count. If the analyzes will be visible any deviations, the doctor may prescribe additional tests. For analysis it is necessary to use morning urine is not less than 70 ml. Before collecting the urine need to conduct a thorough hygiene.
No less importantanalysis of pregnancy a smear. They are of two kinds. Common (gynecological) smear shows purity and species of flora, the presence of additional cells and white blood cell count. Smear infection determines the pathogens causing fungal and infectious diseases: mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trihomonda, candida, etc. For positive analysis was performed to determine the seeding smear pathogen.
Speaking aboutassays during pregnancy we can not ignore ultrasound - ultrasound examination of the uterus, which accompanies a woman from conception until birth. Many women do it immediately if you suspect a pregnancy, but to carry out ultrasound in the early stages, doctors do not recommend - is still not fully determined what effect it has on the child's body.
Recommended duration of the first procedure (if the pregnancy goes without deviation) - 12-14 weeks. Using ultrasound the doctor specifies the pregnancy, determines the size of the child, identifies possible pathology in the development of the nervous system, organs and limbs. The second routine ultrasound passes at 24-26 weeks of gestation. It allows you to determine the sex of the unborn child, the place of attachment of the placenta, amount of amniotic fluid and again verify the absence of congenital malformations of the fetus.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady