How to treat SARS pregnant

How to treat SARS pregnant
 Pregnancy - beautiful and at the same time a very important period in the life of a woman. Expectant mother is obliged to follow not only their health but also the health of your baby. Therefore, any disease that occurs during pregnancy requires special attention. According to statistics ARI (acute respiratory infection) or ARI (acute respiratory illness) - the most common diagnoses that put pregnant women.  
 Since the immune system is weakened sharply pregnant woman, it falls under the attack of disease-causing viruses and bacteria in the first place. Accordingly, it is important to recognize the disease in its early stages of development. This allows enough time to take all necessary measures and reduce both the duration of illness and possible complications for mother and child. Headache, nasal congestion, fatigue, drowsiness, fever - symptoms starting a viral infection. All this is the reason for seeking medical attention, as dangerous to self-medicate, and a pregnant woman is doubly dangerous.

Specialist will help you choose the appropriate medications. However, it should be remembered that not all of them are acceptable during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. In this case, you can help folk remedies.

The first step - providing expectant mother of complete rest, and if necessary - of bed rest. It should be regularly ventilate and humidify the room in which the patient. Try to keep your feet warm, for this purpose, suitable conventional woolen socks. To warm his feet in the bath can not, because it can cause miscarriage.

A very effective measure in the fight against disease is excessive drinking. Drink two liters of fluid a day, will be the most useful berry fruit drinks (cranberry, cranberries, currants), lemon tea, warm milk with honey or raspberry jam. These beverages enhance sweating resulting in more rapid relief from the body of toxic substances. However, in the last stages of pregnancy when a high probability of edema, the amount of fluid intake should be strictly controlled.

Coughing and sore throat are useful steam inhalation with herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, potato broth) or a mild saline. To relieve pain in the throat rinse use decoction of chamomile and calendula, warm water with salt and iodine.

Particular attention should be paid to this period their nutrition. Food should be full and at the same time easily digestible. Preference should be given chicken broth, lean meats, fish and vegetables. Also include in the diet of more fresh fruits, especially those that are rich in vitamin C. There are better often, but small portions. And most importantly, in any case, do not panic. Retaining good spirits, you will help your body fight the infection faster.

Tags: time, pregnancy, colds, orv, pregnant