How to treat heartburn during pregnancy

How to treat heartburn during pregnancy
 Complaints of heartburn usually occur in people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. However, during pregnancy, a burning sensation in the esophagus often worried even those women who had never been exposed to it. Improve their health as you can with the help of medications, and tested "granny" methods.
 According to popular belief, women who suffer from heartburn during pregnancy, the baby will be born with long hair. But in fact, burning and discomfort behind the breastbone in expectant mothers have no relation to the length or density shag baby. The cause of this unpleasant feeling in early pregnancy is the hormonal changes. In the last trimester, when the body, it would seem, should have to adapt to changes, heartburn is not only held, but also may increase due to the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the digestive organs.

Universal way to combat heartburn no, but that does not mean you have to wait patiently for the end of pregnancy, without taking any action. Most folk remedies is safe for both the mother and the unborn child, however count on long-term effects when using them is not necessary.

Many women say that heartburn retreats in just a few minutes, if you drink a glass of cold milk. Someone helps alkaline mineral water, right out of it, you must first release the gas. The juice from fresh potatoes in an amount of two to three tablespoons of no less effective, as well as carrot juice.

Has miraculous properties and Yellowhammer. You can chew a handful of dry cereal, but it is better to prepare medicinal teas. Pour 100 g of oats 0, 5 liters of water. On low heat, bring the liquid to a boil and without turning off the gas, simmer, covered, for an hour. Cool and strain the broth. Drink a tablespoon of this tool every two hours. When you feel unwell, increase the dosage in half.

If folk remedies do not help, you can resort to medication. Drugs such as "Fosfalyugel" and "Renny" is not contraindicated during pregnancy, but the pre-better yet consult a doctor.

If heartburn is not backing down and after taking the medicine, you should review the diet. Disclaimer of fried and fatty in this case is required. In addition, the power must be frequent and fractional. Do not just go to bed after a meal - twenty-minute walk will prevent the occurrence of heartburn.

Tags: means, pregnancy, heartburn