But here's the birth behind, everything went well, and the baby to avoid infection. Comes the most crucial period - feeding her baby with breast milk. What do you do if during breastfeeding mom manifested herpes? Really have to give up breast milk to herpes not penetrated the unprotected child's body? There is no cause for concern. In no case do not cancel breastfeeding, virus, so do not infect the baby, because the mother's milk contains a huge number of antibodies capable of neutralizing destructive media herpes.
Nursing mother must be strict compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene. At the time of the disease refuse kisses - during tactile contact with your inflamed skin, the risk of infecting the child is extremely large. If herpes is manifested in your face, lips, mucous membranes of the nose, be sure to wear cotton-gauze bandage on the feeding and care of the baby. As these vesicles and ulcers, use of dressings can be canceled. In the presence of genital herpes, you must also ensure that no skin contact with baby inflammatory focus. If you accidentally touched the rash - immediately wash your hands with disinfectant, only then can take the baby for feeding and care.
At the moment, the medicine is not found a way to ensure eradication of the herpes virus. However, the number of drugs designed to inhibit taken regularly symptoms of the virus, its development and reproduction, and thus improve the quality of life. The use of such drugs is possible only after the appointment of a doctor - a virologist.