Oksitotsionovy test was carried out by introducing a threshold dose of oxytocin to determine the reactivity of the muscles of the uterus. As the progression of pregnancy the uterus becomes more reactive to oxytocin. During the procedure the woman should take a horizontal position. The solution is prepared directly prior to administration by intravenous injection of 1 ml per minute. At the time of occurrence of uterine infusion of the solution is stopped. The test is considered positive if the decline began in three minutes. This means that within a day or two may occur spontaneous labor.
Mammary test - a drug-free method for determining the readiness to leave. It is based on the development of oxytocin by the body in response to the woman's nipple stimulation. If after the start of sore nipples for 10 minutes can be seen three fights, the test is considered positive.
CTG - a nonstress test. He avoids the disadvantages mammary and oxytocin. CTG records fetal heart rate and uterine activity. This process is long - the most reliable results are obtained for 40-60 minutes. If the body is ready to leave, the device records the rhythmic contractions of the uterus.
Cytology allows you to find out what the hormonal balance of the pregnant woman. Depending on tsitotipa depends readiness to leave. I tsitotip assumes offensive birth not earlier than 10 days, II - in the next 4-8 days, III - 1-5 days, IV - doubtless due date for the next three days.
Maturity of the cervix is defined in the study of the vagina. Maturation due to mechanisms that are well understood: the muscle tissue in the cervix is gradually replaced by connective. During pregnancy progresses increased hydrophilicity of tissue, collagen fibers are split longitudinally. Purely clinically it can be identified by loosening and shortening of the cervix and cervical canal dehiscence gap. By palpation determine the consistency of cervical shortening it, cross-country, located in the pelvic cavity. Based on these data is diagnosed: a mature, not fully ripe, immature or maturing.