Why is heartburn
Most often this condition occurs in the second half of pregnancy, when the body begins to actively prepare for childbirth. Releases hormones that relax the smooth muscles, including the one that holds the valve in the closed position, separating the esophagus and stomach. Normally, it only works in one direction, flowing into the food and not letting out.
During pregnancy, the situation is changing, and the acid is thrown back into the esophagus. As this contributes to a significant increase in the size of the uterus, due to which the stomach is compressed and rise above. But sometimes heartburn in pregnancy occurs in the early stages, being one of the signs that the birth took place. In this case, the cause of heartburn hormone and goes together with toxemia.
In rare cases, heartburn can be accompanied by a woman throughout the pregnancy. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body and passes completely only after birth.
How to prevent heartburn
Sometimes it is easier to prevent heartburn than get rid of it. To do this, you must carefully follow the diet, eating foods frequently and in small portions, avoiding too sour, spicy, greasy, hot and cold. Provoke heartburn can be smoked, salt, coffee and tea, acidic juices and fruits, sweet bread. Also need to plan for dinner so that he could leave the stomach before bedtime, as prone position also increases the risk of heartburn.
After a meal to avoid active movements, especially the slopes, thanks to heartburn can be prevented.
Funds from heartburn
Unthinking acceptance of drugs for the treatment of heartburn in this state is prohibited, so before you decide to use any drug during pregnancy, you should consult with your doctor.
Individual tablets from heartburn and pregnancy are allowed, but since taking them regularly do not want too, it is advisable to pay attention to other available means. This is primarily milk and milk products, which literally washed with esophageal acid and clean burning. Then it is natural mineral water sold in pharmacies. Calms the stomach oatmeal, which is necessary to drink after a meal in small portions. Soda for heartburn, which is sometimes recommended as a folk remedy, is not too good, so from it should be abandoned.