All birth control pills on the composition can be divided into 2 groups: containing only progestogens and estrogens with progestins contain. Pills containing only progestin called "mini-pill". Their contraceptive effect is due to the fact that they violate the reduction of the fallopian tubes, and the egg can not get into the uterus. Furthermore, they increase the viscosity of the mucus in the cervix contained, thus creating a barrier to the passage of sperm into the egg.
"Mini-pill" as a contraceptive is recommended for women after childbirth and in the presence of contraindications to the use of estrogen. Tablets are taken from the first day of menstruation. After delivery, reception beginning at 6 weeks of breastfeeding, and nekormyaschie women can take a "mini-pill" after 4 weeks.
Pills containing both progestin and estrogen are called combined oral contraceptives (COCs). The dose of estrogen, they are divided into vysokodozirovannye (ethinyl estradiol dose> 35 mg), low-dose (20-35 mg) and mikrodozirovannye (<20 mg). Vysokodozirovannye COC is currently not used because of serious side effects. Also, the dose of estrogen and progestogen in each tablet can be divided into COC mono- bi- and triphasic. In monophasic COC in all tablet contains the same amount of estrogen and progestogen. In the two-phase amount of estrogen remains constant, and the dose of progestogen is changing. In three-phase COCs change the dose of both hormones.
There COC, besides providing contraceptive effect and anti-androgenic effects due to entering into their composition atsitatu cyproterone. They are usually given to girls with acne and ovarian cysts caused by an excess of androgens in the body.
The mechanism of action of combined hormonal pills is that they create in the body of the female hormone levels, which happens at ovulation. In the cerebral cortex receives information that the desired concentration of hormone already present in the body and ovulation does not occur. Because no ovulation, there is no egg, and, if it enters the uterus sperm, fertilization occurs.
COC as well as "mini-pill" begin take on the first day of menstruation. Both types of pills taken every day at the same time. With regular and proper taking the contraceptive effect of birth control pills is quite high, the percentage of pregnancies in the background of this method is 0, 05-1. The tablets are already on the first day of admission. After the abolition of reproductive functions restored within 3 months.
There are limitations to the use of birth control pills. This malignant neoplasms, diseases of veins of the lower extremities, cerebrovascular accidents, smoking, age over 40 years, hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes.
From birth control pills, the following side effects: nausea, headache, intermenstrual discharge, irritability, breast tenderness, decreased sex drive and changes in body weight. In the event of their occurrence and conservation within 3 months of drug overturned.
All of contraception: birth control pills
Birth control pills are hormonal contraceptives. They contain hormones artificially synthesized by chemical structure and action close to the female sex. Tablets vary in composition and dosage of hormones.
Tags: herpes, tablet, contraceptive, contraception