Syndrome of "dry eye"

Syndrome of "dry eye"
 Eyes - the most valuable gift of nature to man, without which it is impossible perception of colors and shapes of the surrounding world. Therefore, if you started to bother stinging and burning sensation in the eyes, you should immediately take steps to address them.
 Unfortunately, often a person's lifestyle leads to many diseases. In particular, the long hours of work for the personal computer, watching TV, the use of soft contact lenses and conditioners often lead to the development of the syndrome of "dry eye".

The first signs that speak of his presence - a burning sensation and pain in the eyes, momentary loss of visual acuity. As a rule, they are, if you rub your eyes or blink hard. But why do they appear and what they say?

Syndrome of "dry eye" is the result of a temporary reduction of tearing. Thus, the surface of the eyeball dries and becomes hypersensitive. In addition, at the time of deteriorating eyesight, and you are not able to clearly perceive the objects around you.

What can cause such problems? Increasingly anxious you syndrome of "dry eye" may cause blurred vision, increased lacrimation, and sometimes photophobia. In addition, the syndrome of "dry eye" may cause a deterioration of vision as a whole, the development of nearsightedness or farsightedness. This not only reduces the capacity of man, but also prevents lead a full life.

How can protect themselves from the syndrome of "dry eye"? If you often work on the computer, do not forget to do a five-minute breaks and perform simple exercises for the eyes: look up / down, left / right eye alternately focus on nearby and far away from your subjects. This will help relax the eye muscles and give the cornea rest against her glare monitor.

Do not abuse the air conditioning or, if possible, use it in conjunction with a humidifier. This will help to prevent the adverse effects of dry air to the eye. Less likely to use soft lenses that cover not only the cornea, but also a piece of cloth around her.

In addition, the syndrome of "dry eye" may occur when long-term hard diets deprive the body of necessary fatty acids. If we talk about the medicines, the syndrome of "dry eye" may cause reception tranquilizers, many contraceptives, antidepressants and drugs that lower blood pressure.

Tags: eye, vision, dry, disease syndrome deterioration