Symptoms of diabetes

Symptoms of diabetes
 Diabetes - a serious disease characterized by elevated blood sugar levels and its appearance in the urine. As a result, in the body there is a deficiency of insulin, which in turn leads to metabolic disorders. To avoid serious consequences, should be able to timely detect the first symptoms and seek medical advice.
 The main signs of high blood sugar are wasting thirst and frequent urination. With diabetes on the kidney places additional demands. They can not be independently filtered blood sugar, so they need more fluid, which leads to a constant filling of the bladder.

The sharp change in weight for the same amount of food consumed. Depending on the type of diabetes, weight fluctuation can occur in both greater and in the smaller side.

Weakness, fatigue, and the smell of acetone from the mouth can also be a symptom of diabetes. This happens due to the fact that insulin does not work the sugar absorbed in the body and enter the cells that do not allow them to develop the necessary energy to the body.

Blurred vision. Increased blood sugar leaches from the lens large amount of fluid which affects the ability to focus on a subject. If diabetes is not treated, it can lead to quite severe vision loss and even blindness.

Slow-healing wounds, cuts or frequent infections. Diabetes affects the body's ability to fight infections, hence the many inflammatory processes. Should be especially careful with infections of the bladder and the reproductive system.

Increased sugar affects the functioning of the nervous system. This may lead to some loss of sensitivity in the extremities, abdominal pain and cramps in the muscles of the calf.

The detection of even some of the above symptoms should immediately seek medical attention. He will direct you to the two-time blood test and then prescribe the right treatment based on your condition. If diabetes is not to pay attention and do not treat it, it can lead to serious consequences and even death.

Tags: treatment, cure, symptom, sign