Surgical treatment of varicose veins

Surgical treatment of varicose veins
 The main part of the beautiful half of humanity is familiar with this problem, as varicose veins. In some cases, when varices covers the top hip, requires a radical way to deal with this problem - surgery.
 There are a couple of basic methods of implementing the treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs: the first is to remove the diseased vein, the second is the application of dressings (ligatures) to the connecting veins, defective.

Surgical treatment of varicose veins - a radical method of treatment of patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities. The purpose of the operation - the elimination of venous reflux, ie removal of pathogenic mechanisms that lead to the expansion of the superficial veins. This is accomplished by ligation of incompetent perforating veins and remove stems modified saphenous veins.

Before starting the operation, the doctor makes marking perforating veins, the main venous trunks and their tributaries, preferably under ultrasound. Operation begins with ligation and crossing the main trunk of a large subcutaneous veins at the confluence of the femoral vein and additional branches. Vein removal made using two venotomov - probes, which are introduced from the medial malleolus and the inguinal region toward each other.

Shallow Vienna removed in a similar manner from the small incisions made in the popliteal fossa, and also on the lateral edge of the tendon. There are also tortuous veins that can not be removed simply by means of probes, they are removed through separate incisions of one centimeter. It is imperative ligation of perforating veins insolvent localized on the inner side of the leg.

Leg after surgery give an elevated position, and on the first day the patient is already allowed to walk. On the second or third day the patient can be discharged home for outpatient treatment under the strict supervision of the surgeon. On the seventh day remove the stitches over the next two to three months is recommended to use elastic compression in the postoperative period. In extreme cases, there may be complications in the form of impaired wound healing.

Contraindications for surgical treatment of varicose veins: competing or severe concomitant diseases of the liver, lungs, cardiovascular system and kidneys. This intervention is contraindicated in pregnancy, patients with purulent or acute inflammatory diseases of different origin.

Tags: varices, expansion, treatment