How to treat a bone fracture

How to treat a bone fracture
 Bone fracture can be of different types: open, closed, with or without displacement. Treatment prescribed by a doctor trauma based on our X-ray. The main therapy involves the imposition of gypsum, jitter, if necessary, the operation, hardware extensions and rehabilitation period.
 If you injure a bone, immediately contact the emergency room. You doctor will examine trauma, appoint an X-ray. If the fracture is closed and without bias, you will immediately impose a plaster, and you will be treated on an outpatient basis. In the presence of extensive bruising when applying plaster to impose procaine.

If you are unable to get to the trauma center, call an ambulance. You will be taken to a medical facility at any time. Trauma care is whether you have a medical insurance policy or not.

If displaced fracture when bone or joint arranged irregularly, before laying on gypsum conduct outpatient reduction of bone or joint. This is done under general anesthesia without the use of tools. Trauma hands puts the joint into place and imposes fixing plaster. After reduction, a second x-ray to ensure the success of the manipulation.

If extensive displacement, open fractures spend hospitalization. Further treatment is carried out in a hospital. Depending on the type of fracture and fixation of the hood is carried out by means of spokes. The treatment takes a long time.

Surgical intervention is carried out with a significant shift, when shrapnel after a bad fracture and the bone has healed.

Rehabilitation period includes physical therapy, physiotherapy, bone fixation coalesced with an elastic bandage. Also, the doctor will recommend avoiding heavy loads, it is rational to eat. Throughout the course of treatment and rehabilitation period the patient is prescribed calcium supplements, diet with a predominance of milk, milk products, cheese and meat.

After treatment in a hospital or in an outpatient setting doctor prescribes a second x-ray to make sure the bone or joint fused correctly and do not need to re-vpravki.

Tags: fracture, help, look, the way treatment, trauma