How to identify whooping cough

How to identify whooping cough
 Whooping cough is a typical droplet infection in children, but it can hurt people of any age who do not have adequate levels of protective antibodies to bordetelii pertussis (pertussis). The source of the disease is always getting sick person or asymptomatic carriers, and stick enters the body through the airway epithelium.
 Parasite multiplies in the body and during the incubation period, the characteristic manifestations of the disease there is little - often develop rhinitis and pharyngitis, similar to the usual manifestations of respiratory infection. At this time, it is impossible to suggest the development of pertussis, and therefore therapeutic measures directed only at improving the general condition and symptom relief.

Whooping cough can only suspect in the transition to the next stage of the disease - the time of paroxysmal cough with a characteristic reprises. During an attack of cough gradually becomes stronger - dry, irritated cough is frequent and intense. The child's condition worsens, the skin develops blue nasolabial triangle, the child becomes purplish red. And often in the resolution of the attack at the height of the next episode may occur or vomiting caused by overstimulation reflex respiratory center and the respiratory mucosa, or possible loss of consciousness. Then the patient begins a sharp breath, resembling a sob, and the attack ends.

Such a flow coughing develops only in whooping cough, so the appearance of more than two episodes of this cough is necessary to conduct laboratory examination of sputum or mucus from the respiratory tract obtained by coughing. The study itself is the fact that at the time of the attack the patient tray laboratory dish with a special nutrient medium suitable for the detection of the pathogen.

You should never treat whooping cough as a disease that is not dangerous for the patient's life - when an attack is possible reflex apnea, heart. The attack can cause bleeding and development of bronchial or pulmonary respiratory system, bronchi and alveoli of the gap, and the younger the patient, the greater the likelihood of developing complications of whooping cough.

The disease gradually goes without antibiotics - after being hit by toxins produced by the causative agent of whooping cough in the respiratory center, it takes time for their termination.

Tags: child, treatment, symptoms, whooping cough