How to accelerate fracture healing

How to accelerate fracture healing
 Fracture causes restriction of mobility rights, makes it impossible to keep the old way of life. Admission herbal infusions, special diet, rubbing ointments and creams will help accelerate tissue repair and healing of the fracture.  
 Diet after fracture should be rich in calcium. Increase your intake of milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, cabbage and so on. From the diet should exclude plants containing oxalic acid (parsley, rhubarb, spinach), as it prevents the absorption of calcium in the intestine. Replace coffee, which stimulates the excretion of calcium by the kidneys for fruit juices (apple, pomegranate, lemon, etc.). In parallel with the calcium-products you need to increase the intake of vitamin C, which enhances the absorption of calcium. Products containing phosphorus (eggs, buckwheat, fish) must also be present in your diet, and from carbonated drinks should be abandoned. Silicon helps absorb calcium, so make sure to have on your desk periodically appeared dishes radish, turnip and cabbage.

Accelerates the regeneration of bone mummy - you can take it in pill 3 times a day for 10 days. If you mix with honey mummy (1:10) and wait for it to completely dissolve, it is possible to take such medicine one spoon in the morning and in the evening during the week. The aqueous solution mummy (1-2%) to be taken continuously for three weeks. Mix rose oil and mummies, and lubricate the fracture site.

Also in the area of ​​the fracture can rub fir oil - it accelerates the healing of bones. If you are experiencing pain, then apply to the damaged area of ​​the raw potato mush. To speed up the healing of tissues should be taken into a mixture of carrot and spinach juice diluted in half with water. From herbal infusions useful decoctions of horsetail, bark pomegranate, a strong infusion of rose hips, etc. For rapid recovery of mobility of limbs in fractures is recommended to eat a lot of cooked onions.

Compresses and baths of herbal concoctions (Boudreau hederacea, geranium grass, golden rod, etc.) applied once a day, before rubbing ointments.

General methods of healing the body and accelerate the regeneration of tissue, so it is necessary to normalize vitamin metabolism in the body and keep warm organ damage, high-calorie food and good care.

Tags: Ambassador, fracture healing