Heart failure: Tips cardiologist

Heart failure: Tips cardiologist
 Heart failure - a complex disease that is caused by reduction of myocardial contractility. Heart failure can occur both in acute and chronic forms. In most cases, the disease is a chronic form precisely and entails an increase in cardiac muscle and seal.

For heart failure lead diseases such as vice and coronary heart disease, cardio, hypertension or pulmonary disease.

To effectively treat heart failure, you first need to determine its cause. The main reason is the great physical strain on the heart. If it increases, the trained heart increases the flow of blood to the organs, and untrained - the number of cuts. This leads to the development of the disease.

When the first symptoms of heart failure, such as shortness of breath and swelling of the legs, doctors advise to go immediately to the survey. On examination you will be given full information about the state of your heart muscle, valves and the circulatory system. Modern technology makes it possible to simulate the load that accompanies you in everyday life.

Doctors divide the treatment of heart failure in three phases:

1. Reduce physical activity both at work and at home. Give your heart to rest. The situation around you should be calm and measured in order to exclude the possibility of heart "fatigue."

 2. The second and important step in the treatment of heart failure is diet. Eat the food that you doctor's advice. Try not to gain weight. Fat raises the diaphragm, and that in turn makes it difficult work of the heart. Eat 4-5 times a day, excluding flour from your diet and fatty foods. Eat less salt as possible. Do not drink a lot of coffee and tea, they adversely affect the functioning of the heart. Dine 2 hours before bedtime. Keep the bowels to run like clockwork.

 3. And, of course, any doctor prescribe you medication. Not do without them. Some people are afraid of sedation, complaining that they can cause sexual dysfunction and reduced mental capacity. Drugs prescribed by a doctor, are intended to calm the heart and protect it from unnecessary congestion. So they must be accepted.

So, do not tighten the treatment of such a serious disease, follow all the recommendations and advice of your doctor.

Tags: physician advice, treatment, heart, failure, cardiologist