Diagnosis and treatment of breast adenoma

Diagnosis and treatment of breast adenoma
 Mammary adenoma - a benign tumor, or neoplasia of glandular epithelium. Most often, the disease affects women of reproductive age and is caused by a violation of estrogen levels.
 When samoosmotre woman can be found in the mammary glands, one or more balls. They do not hurt when pressed, and can be easily moved. However, the pain is caused by rapid growth of adenomas when the tumor begins to compress the nerves or blood vessels. Accelerated division glandular cells can lead to very rapid growth of adenomas.

If a woman has found one or more balls in the breast, immediately seek medical advice immediately and pass the designated examination. As used diagnostic palpation, ultrasound diagnostics. Most often these methods is quite enough that the doctor diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment. To exclude the presence of malignant cells, further examined histologically material taken during the biopsy.

The forecast for the treatment of mammary gland adenomas conditionally favorable. If the tumor is small enough and no more than 1 cm, the woman appointed monitoring survey.

If you violate the level of estrogen doctor selects a patient individual therapy to normalize hormone levels.

In the presence of large adenomas, which is growing rapidly in size and puts pressure on the nerves, causing pain to the patient, or the obvious cosmetic defects prescribed operation.

Enucleation - a husking adenoma. Through small incisions the doctor removes the tumor. Such a method is possible with small tumors and no suspicion of cancer.

Sectoral resection - the removal of tumors, together with the surrounding tissue. Operation is prescribed for a large adenoma or suspected cancer.

Woman who has ever been diagnosed with breast adenoma should regularly visit the doctor, take appointments and more carefully carry out self-examination.

Tags: gland, mammary, treatment, diagnosis, adenoma, neoplasm