Cold aggravation - cystitis

Cold aggravation - cystitis
 If a woman has ever struggled with cystitis, it has not forgotten about all the unpleasant consequences of this disease. And if you treat him alone or not to follow a policy recommended by the expert, to the end, for some time it may be a relapse.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder mucosa. In the course of the disease is disturbed organ function. The disease can occur in acute and chronic forms. By the way, due to the anatomical features of the disease in women appears much more often than men.

When a cystitis, a girl can not safely go to the bathroom. She feels the constant urge, but urination occurs gradually and with a sharp pain. Sometimes in the urine can be signs of blood. In this case, as soon as possible to get to the note to the doctor.

Provoke inflammation of the bladder may hypothermia - sitting on cold benches, insufficient protection of the back during the cold weather. For example, many women, choosing between beauty and health at a young age at the first stop, put on jeans "at the hip" and jacket that extends only up to the waist. As a result, the back remains entirely without clothes.

Cause cystitis can and sexual intercourse. In this case, cause inflammation of the bladder can chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonorrhea and trichomonas. With the weakening of immunity, which is particularly felt in the cold season, the disease is caused by bacteria that are in the vagina and in the intestines (ureplazmu, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, streptococcus and so on.).

Quite often, women hesitate to contact a specialist with this problem, preferring to be treated yourself. However, as a result, they only receive additional problems. For example, the disease can become chronic, while at the slightest cold bladder will remind yourself.

Girls and women should carefully monitor their health and try to avoid hypothermia. But do not take care of your body only during the cold season. Exacerbation of cystitis can occur even in the summer.

Tags: cystitis, cold, health, cause hypothermia