If the headache hurts in the morning and accompanied by weakness, weakness, tinnitus and blackouts, and the evening passes, and so every day, it is most likely the reason reduced pressure. In this case, help morning exercises, contrasting pouring water, a cup of coffee without milk and walks in the fresh air. Within two weeks you can drink fresh celery juice, 1 tsp 3 times per day. These funds tones and strengthens blood vessels.
Pressing throbbing with characteristic localization in the back of the head, accompanied by malaise, chest tightness, and palpitations can be connected with high blood pressure. Analgesic tablet in this case is powerless. First of all, it is necessary to secure a complete rest and fresh air, and during the rest rhythmic breathing. Of traditional medicine can be used cranberry or cranberry juice with honey, 2 tablespoons 3 times per day. If such pain occurs frequently, do not neglect a visit to the doctor, because high blood pressure is a sign of hidden kidney disease or hypertension. Treatment of these diseases requires medical supervision.
Unilateral throbbing headache for 2-3 days is a sign of a migraine - a disease caused by narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain. The causes of this disease are diverse, so you can not always identify and eliminate them. If there is a tendency to migraine attack should strengthen blood vessels, and as a first-aid use special protivomigrenoznye drugs: ergotamine tartrate, sumatriptan, naratriptan, rizatriptan. Also help dousing contrast, a cold compress on your head warm foot bath, tea mint and complete rest.
Dull aching (not pulsing) bilateral headache, not increasing during exercise, often connected with nerve strain or stress. For this pain is characterized by a sense of herpes compression head or straps. In this case, help massage, relaxation, meditation, rhythmic breathing, restful sleep, rubbing whiskey or peppermint balm "asterisk", as well as the use of small sips of warm mint tea.
Cause of headache may be a vitamin deficiency, anemia, lack of fluid in the body. Therefore, for the prevention and recovery of the body, it is necessary to establish a drinking mode and take a course of vitamin therapy. Great benefit in this case and bring fresh juices, especially orange, grapefruit, carrot, carrot and apple.
In most cases the headache is a benign condition. However, if repetitive seizures, can not be eliminated by any means, it is better to undergo a medical examination of the brain.