Neurasthenia often the first symptom of serious diseases such as brain tumor, head trauma, hypertension, atherosclerosis and others. For cancer of the brain, patients irritability, fatigue, headaches, nausea and vomiting.
After a head injury accompanied by dizziness, neurasthenia, and visual disturbances. Hypertensive heart disease patients also exhibit a wide range of symptoms, neurotic syndrome (changes of mood, tearfulness, slabodushie), headaches in the back of the head, numbness, pain in the heart. In the development of neurasthenic syndrome are three stages.
In the first stage irritation occurs even from speaking, the slightest noise, setbacks. The patient loses his composure, often irascible, difficult to sleep, sleeping badly, constantly feeling tired throughout the day.
In the second stage, the patient does not help even the rest, any job he undertakes with great difficulty, throws her out of the chronic fatigue. The patient often manifest tears and fits of frustration.
The third stage of the disease is characterized by persistent disability. Sick apathetic, lethargic, he always wants to sleep, loses interest in life, he had become depressed. Only the last (third) stage neurasthenic syndrome reaches forms of severe nervous breakdown.
The first signs of neurasthenia associated with the violation of the rest and sleep, poor nutrition, hypovitaminosis, lower the body's defenses. All treatment (therapeutic) activities with neurotic syndrome should be aimed primarily at improving the overall physical condition of the patient.
Meals patient should be regular, balanced, you must exclude alcohol, strong coffee, tea, and increase in the content of the diet of fruits and vegetables. In the treatment of neurotic syndrome needs to streamline day regimen of the patient, to avoid physical and nervous overload. Night sleep should be sufficient time (at least 7-8 hours).
To enhance immunity appointed Echinacea and multivitamins. As a sedative (calming) means valerian tincture or Leonurus. Neurasthenia, apathetic, apathy, therapists, doctors prescribe tranquilizers patient (seduksen, sibazon, diazepam, relanium) and light psihotonicheskie means (sidnokarb). Foot bath before going to bed, pine baths, aromatherapy with lavender will help the patient sleep.
In marked neurosis, nervous exhaustion need to visit a therapist. Widely used various drugs charges for nervous disorders - they stabilize mood. When neurotic syndrome and similar conditions are assigned an additional 2-3 courses of acupuncture for 10-15 sessions, as well as physiotherapy. Spa treatment at the Azov and Black Seas has an effective prophylactic effect and prevents the development and exacerbation of neurasthenia.