Washing of the tonsils has a beneficial effect: they decrease in size, as purulent plugs are removed. This procedure is carried ENT. Consult a doctor in the community or in any private clinic. The cost of services is kept at an acceptable level, and in its social clinics are free of charge.
Buy alcohol tincture of calendula. A glass of warm water, add a tablespoon of liqueur and gargle 5-7 times per day. To reduce the amount of the tonsils, gradually make a solution for rinsing cooler. Do not be afraid, if you reduce the temperature of the water gradually, sore throat, you will not get sick.
Has a positive effect, and sea salt. Add a glass of water 1 tablespoon of salt, mix well and gargle. During acute inflammation of the throat treatment is carried out every 30 minutes.
Before going to bed irrigated almond antibacterial spray, which is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx. If you carry the bee products, and you are not allergic to them, get a spray with propolis. Pharmacies huge range of similar products, so you will choose from.
If the glands do not become denser and gaps greatly expanded, consult lorom on the feasibility of the disposal operation. Of course, this is undesirable, but in some cases, there is simply no other choice. Chronic infection in the tonsils provokes the development of heart disease and bone.