Damaged area smooth circular motions, rinse 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and then gently wipe with a sterile cloth to dry a little wound. Skin around the wound is recommended to smear with iodine, alcohol or green paint. But do not get too close to the wound optimally adhere to a distance of twenty centimeters.
If the wound is accompanied by heavy bleeding, you need to immediately impose a pressure bandage. It is important to remember that the more rapidly you make the dressing, the less blood will lose the victim. If the blood by means of bandages can not be stopped, tourniquet, thereby dragging the bleeding artery.
Cover the shallow wound plaster. To do this, cut it into thin strips and apply them across the entire wound. Try to keep the adhesive accounted for the healthy and damaged skin. Tape up the treated plaster surface is not necessary, it is best to leave it open. Soak the wound until its complete healing is impossible.
When you open burn wounds processing is as follows. Take a three-layer bandage impregnated her furatsilina solution. To prepare the solution, take one tablet furatsilina, mash it to a powder and dissolved in a small amount of hot water. To the solution was hot, dilute with cold water. As a result, you should get half a cup of the solution. The dressing obtained is wetted with the solution and is applied to the wound tape up then carefully.
Do not worry if the bandage on the wound healing process will stick to damaged skin. No need to try to immediately pull out - it will disappear by itself as soon as the wound is dry.