Then take 100 grams of chicory (better to choose roots), which must be carefully grind and dilute 0, 5 liters of vodka or 50 percent alcohol. Insist the solution must be 2 weeks, so do it in advance and store in the refrigerator just in case.
If magic means at hand was not, and the injury to heal something necessary, pour 1 tablespoon dried calendula flowers 2 cups of boiling water. Wait two hours and then strain. This broth take orally 4 times a day exactly 0, 5 cups. You can also dampen the cloth or towel and apply to the edge all night.
The perfect companion will also become red geranium, which contains special substances that prevent the development of inflammatory processes. To prepare the broth, 1 tablespoon dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water and place on a small fire. After 5 minutes, the solution can be removed and drain. Then is a bit cool liquid and applied to the injured spot cloth soaked in it. Within a few days of using this compress you will notice significant improvement.
If you are an ardent fan of the popular and unusual treatments, then heal bruised ribs, you can use copper. This metal has long been used for healing fractures, etc. In particular, the files and take little grind off the copper plate into a powder. It is enough to take 1 gram of powder 3 times a day, adding to the sour cream, and within 2-3 weeks you will forget about Bole and discomfort.