How to reduce protein in the urine

How to reduce protein in the urine
 Normally, the amount of protein in the daily urine does not exceed 150 mg, and ideally - and it does not. Deviation in a big way and is called proteinuria is a sign of a urinary tract infection, kidney damage, cancer pathology and some other diseases. To prevent the development of serious complications, it is important to diagnose the disease and reduce protein in the urine.
 Isolation of a small amount of protein in the urine is called proteinuria functional. It can occur after physical exertion, emotional stress, due to the high temperature and the use of protein. This pathological condition is not and does not need treatment. Enough to retake the analysis of urine after a while and make sure that proteinuria is not progressing.

Much more serious is the presence of protein in the daily urine in excess of 150 mg (or more than 0 and 033 g / l in a single portion). In this case, you need to see a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis. Depending on its results, and will be assigned medication.

If the cause of proteinuria is a urinary tract infection, you will need a course of antibiotic therapy. In addition, the doctor will prescribe a diet, the meaning of which is to limit fatty, salty and spicy dishes. Equally important is the drinking regime: the number drunk per day of liquid should be at least one and a half to two liters.

If the cause of proteinuria is a disorder of the kidneys, should prepare for long-term treatment. And if pyelonephritis is enough antibiotics and uroantiseptikov in conjunction with the use of diuretic herbs and diet, in glomerulonephritis is likely to require admission to a hospital, where it will be held anti-inflammatory and hormone therapy.

Cancers in which there is urinary protein excretion, are treated using chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Malignant tumors of the urinary tract can be removed surgically.

When the effectiveness of the treatment of the amount of protein in the urine will decrease, and eventually returns to normal.

Tags: analysis of the protein, disease, treatment, proteinuria