How to reduce platelets

How to reduce platelets
 Platelets - a small nuclear-free calf circulating in the bloodstream. Normally, their number varies from 150-400 thousand / l. Elevated levels of blood platelets (thrombocytosis) can cause a blockage that is fraught with the development of serious diseases.
 The first step is to consult a specialist. It will help to establish the true reason why the level of platelets in the blood increased. There may be a lot: old age, erythremia, cancer, bad habits, etc.

 Platelets increase blood viscosity, making it difficult to pass through the blood vessels. To reduce platelet doctors usually prescribe drugs which contain acetylsalicylic acid. It promotes blood thinners.

And to reduce the number of platelets specialists prescribe interferons, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants. These drugs inhibit the formation of blood clots. But alcoholic beverages opposite cause severe blood clots, so it is very common for people who abuse alcohol, die from a sudden the separated blood clot.

Scientific studies have shown that the fight against thrombocytosis help and acidic drinks. For example, cranberry juice. Drink it several times a day for prevention. Also promotes blood thinners abundant use of ordinary water without gas. This is not to abuse the savory food that does not appear edema.

There are a number of products which it is desirable to use elevated levels of platelets. For example, beets and bitter chocolate. In addition, the recommended foods containing vitamin C.

In severe cases, a doctor may be appointed procedure - plateletpheresis. It is used for special blood cell separator, by which to remove excess platelets out of the body.

It is not necessary to self-medicate. Thrombocytosis - a very insidious disease, at any moment can happen blockage, which can cause sudden death. Clearly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Tags: platelet, thrombocytosis, plateletpheresis