How to reduce estrogen

How to reduce estrogen
 Estrogen is the main hormone responsible for sexual maturation of girls, the development of sexual organs and the condition of the breast, as well as determine the mood of the fair sex, and their ability to bear children.
 Elevated levels of this substance in a woman's body leads to various diseases. In particular may cause obesity, hair loss, depression. In addition, development is fraught giperestrageniya certain cancers, namely cancer of the breast, uterus, colon.

Endocrinologists argue that the level of hormones in the body is influenced by factors such as unbalanced diet and irrational exercise. In this regard, ladies seeking to reduce the concentration of estrogen in the blood, it is first necessary to review your lifestyle and dietary patterns change.

We must remember that regular consumption of foods containing animal fats, greatly enhances the release of these substances. Increase the secretion of estrogen not only fatty meat and dairy products, but also soy beans or beans, coffee and beer. Plant estrogens present in beer, are the most active and therefore dangerous. Therefore, do not lean on butter, sour cream, semi-finished products made of pork, barbecue, abuse of coffee or a beer.

Their preference is to give fish, vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits and herbs. Eating foods from cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, celery, spinach, potatoes, seasoned with olive or linseed oil, improves hormonal status. Introduction to the diet of wheat bran, nonfat cottage cheese and yogurt also normalizes the body.

However, as mentioned above, one diet to achieve the desired result is unlikely. Regular exercise - that's the key to success in the fight against impaired hormonal. Training in the gym, fitness, jogging, swimming should become a permanent part of everyday life, striving for health and longevity.

Tags: health, hormone, estrogen, ripening