How to improve lower body temperature

How to improve lower body temperature
 Any deviation from the human body temperature normal values ​​requires attention. Normal body temperature varies from 36 to 37 degrees. If elevated temperatures all clear (it should knock down), the reduced need to raise to normal values.
 First, you must insulate as much as possible - to put on warm clothes, socks made of natural wool, go to bed and wrap yourself with a thick blanket. It is very important to warm feet - put on a foot warmer or overlay them with bottles of warm water. Before you go to bed, it is useful to make a hot foot bath - type in a basin of hot water, apply a few drops of aromatic essential oil and lower the back foot. Periodically just blow hot water when you feel that it cools. Duration of treatment - no more than half an hour. Then wipe dry with a foot, wear cotton socks and wool socks on top of another and go to bed.

Take into hot drinks. Prepare a tea with raspberry or currant, honey or lemon, make an infusion of chamomile and St. John's Wort. Herbal infusions are prepared the same way - a spoonful of dry grass pour a glass of boiling water and leave for a few minutes. Very good warm ginger drink - a small piece of ginger root grate, pour boiling water and add a little honey.

Do not take medications that increase the temperature - in this condition, the effect of their reception may be inadequate. It is better to try to warm up, follow the simple exercise - tilts, squats, jumping. If you feel good, do a little workout to warm up your muscles. Traditional methods of rewarming helps underarm chafing powder black pepper or regular salt. You can chew and swallow the lead from a pencil - a few hours the temperature rises. Eating spicy foods can also help.

If you feel fatigue, then drink something hot and try to sleep. Sleep - good medicine, it helps to normalize the functioning of many organs and systems. Waking up, you feel better - try to experience positive emotions.

If low body temperature is kept for several days, it is an occasion for seeking medical attention. The reasons for such states may be low blood pressure, anemia, decreased immunity - if correct the cause, then the body temperature normal.

Tags: temperature, strength, body decay