How to restore the intestinal mucosa

How to restore the intestinal mucosa
 Antibacterial and other potent medicinal drugs have a negative impact on the intestinal mucosa. As a result, after treatment of the underlying disease is often observed failure of the digestive tract. The intestine is able to recover on their own, but it can take a long time. Speed ​​up the process by using the folk and drugs.
 Cause damage to the intestinal mucosa may be not only medicine, but also a variety of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Recovering from them is even longer than after antibiotic therapy. Treatment should begin intestine, even if a week after recovery bothering you flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other discomfort.

The main method of treatment is light diet. No medicines and folk remedies do not help restore the intestinal mucosa, if you abuse the coarse food, spicy and fatty food. Nutrition should be a full, rich fraction and all the necessary nutrients. Accelerate the recovery of the intestine can be fermented milk products. Eat them daily in sufficient quantities.

Complete the treatment with probiotics. Such drugs as "Lineks" "Bifidumbakterin" "Baktisubtil" and others are able to restore the intestinal mucosa for one-two weeks. However, to achieve a stable effect is better to extend the course for another 7-10 days. They will not do harm, and noticeably improve digestion.

Every day, eat bran. They improve intestinal function and a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa. Insist cup of bran in a liter of boiling water for an hour, after which the resulting slurry eat three times a day on a tablespoon. Improvement of health comes only a week after the start of treatment. A complete restoration of the intestinal mucosa can say no earlier than a month.

Whatever signs of bowel refer to a gastroenterologist. It is he who will help pick of drugs and advise on the effectiveness of folk remedies in your case.

Tags: stomach pain, mucous