How to cleanse your colon

How to cleanse your colon
 Irregular stools, frequent bloating, fatigue is a signal that it is time to clean your intestines. Without primary cleaning colon cleansing is useless to pursue other organs - toxins and wastes will not be excreted from the body.
 Procedure can be performed in meducherezhdenii. It is called colon hydrotherapy. In other words, the large intestine is washed with water. Cleaning takes place under the supervision of physicians virtually painless. Sometimes during a recent introduction to the procedures practiced intestine bifidobacteria.

During the mild hydrotherapy whirlpool wall of the rectum, it is exempt from feces, retained a natural intestinal microflora. As a result, professionally conducted procedure improves digestion, mood, often "leave" a few pounds of weight.

At home colon cleansing can be done using an enema. However, people with inguinal or abdominal hernia, bleeding gastrointestinal tract and after bowel surgery enema should be done.

For the procedure to purchase a pharmacy mug Esmarch. Before using it boil tip.

Boil well as clean water enema and cool it to a temperature slightly above room temperature. If the water temperature is the same temperature as the body, the intestinal wall will be reduced.

 When everything is ready, get up on all fours, lower your head down, one hand enter into the rectum to a depth of tip 5-7 mm on the hose and open the tap. Keep your head bowed all the time. After all the water will flow (about 2 L), and try to pull the tip to keep the fluid within 5-10 minutes.

If plain water is not able to clean the intestines and combine it with 0, 5 tsp grated baby soap. With enema may also be used decoctions of herbs - chamomile, calendula, tarragon, dandelion.

Enema should not get involved, do they need to be no more than 1 time per week.

During constipation is very effective to clean the colon using vegetable oil. To 50-100 ml of this product is heated, and in such form is administered in the rectum using a syringe with a rubber syringe or a catheter.

Clean all of the intestine, including and rectum, can be made natural juices - spinach or cabbage. Good help and vegetable, especially olive oil - they need to take a little in the morning on an empty stomach.

Tags: straight, colon cleaning