How dangerous low pressure

How dangerous low pressure
 Low blood pressure does not threaten health to such an extent as hypertension, which is often complicated by heart attacks and strokes. However, hypotension is also able to degrade the quality of life, bringing man enough unpleasant moments.
 Blood pressure - is the force with which blood pushes against the walls of blood vessels in motion. This value is determined by the amount of blood, blood vessels and resistance force of cardiac contractions. Low and high blood pressure - is not so much a disease as a temporary physiological state. Hypotension may be perfectly normal, if all the other functions are normal. Pressure is below 90x60 is considered low. The most common symptoms of hypotension - a nausea, dizziness, incoordination, shortness of breath, chest pain, headache, rapid heartbeat and pallor.

There are several types of low blood pressure:
Orthostatic hypotension, occurs when a sudden sharp decrease in blood pressure when a sudden change in body position, such as standing up after prolonged lying. In this case, blood rushes to the extremities, quickens the heartbeat. But those with a low pressure orthostatic this mechanism fails. They are accompanied by a sudden reduction in pressure, resulting in a loss of coordination, dizziness and even fainting. Furthermore, blood pressure may drop sharply due to bleeding, shock, collapse, acute infectious disease, response to the drug. This is very dangerous, as they violate the blood supply to vital organs - brain, heart, kidney,. Such a patient in need of urgent assistance in hospital. Causes of orthostatic hypotension may also be dehydration, pregnancy, burns, diabetes, varicose veins, some neurological diseases. More often it subject to the elderly, although it occurs in young.

Postprandial hypotension is characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure after meals, often accompanied by Parkinson's disease.

Vegetative-vascular hypotension (or dystonia) resulting from a violation of communication between the brain and the heart. In the majority of cases are diagnosed in young people.

Physiological hypotension is a feature of an organism and does not manifest itself. A man finds out about this by accident, when routine inspection.

 Chronic hypotension is characterized by weakness, inability to concentrate, apathy, memory impairment, weakness after sleep. Moreover, a marked dependence on the weather being particularly pressure drops.

There is a genetic predisposition to low pressure. It is known that over time, hypotension may be reborn in hypertension.

Temporary drop in blood pressure during pregnancy is often the case, because in this period the circulatory system of a woman grows. In the early months of pregnancy, the pressure may drop by 5-15 units. Therefore, women may experience dizziness or fainting. By themselves, it is not dangerous, but may cause a fall, which is a risk to the fetus.

Treatment of symptomatic hypotension depends on the cause. To normalize the pressure recommended to change the diet, increase fluid intake. To improve blood flow irreplaceable regular sports load, hardening, water treatments. With the doctor's permission, you can use natural circulatory stimulant - Siberian ginseng, ginseng and lemongrass.

Tags: pressure, problem, consequences, hypotension